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Readiness. Resilience. REsponSE.

Preparing Organisations to Bounce Back

Bounce Readiness provides customised end-to-end emergency management, incident management and business continuity services across Australia, assisting organisations to prepare for incidents through Readiness, Resilience and Response.




Years of Experience

Develop your Emergency Management, Incident Management and Business Continuity skills with our courses. 

At Bounce Readiness, we provide eLearning packages that enable your organisation to provide alternate ways to train staff and occupants at a time that suits your organisation, while also providing instruction on how to respond and manage emergencies, incidents and business disruptions. 

Invest in your Resilience Program

Bounce Readiness has been built on a strong foundation of skills and experience developed over many years of experience. Our experience and success in multiple industries allows the team to extend services across a range of organisation types including education, health care, aged care, accommodation services, public spaces, event facilities, government and more. 

Our areas of expertise include:

Emergency Management

Critical Incident Management 

Business Continuity

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